If you don't know what this is about and you can't tell by looking, you're probably not in the right place. That said, we've been around since 2004 and have been active in the fanfiction community ever since, and many writers have come here over the years. You'll probably recognize a few once you're in.

"But I'm still having trouble!"
If you're having trouble getting past the anti-bot measures, please remember what we're all here for.
If you have a question, forgot your password (and can't reset via email for some reason,) or are otherwise are STILL unable to log in or sign-up, please feel free to create a thread or contact me via FFNet. Guest posting is unlocked on the Guest Questions board.

If you are on the Haven Discord, contact me there if you want speed.

"I'm not getting emails to reset my password!"
Any Yahoo! or Microsoft administered email is currently unreliable in receiving emails from the Haven for reasons outside my control. Use other emails (like Proton, Tutanota, or Gmail) after logging back in and in the meantime, contact as per above.
Final Note: Guest posts are removed regularly; don't be intimidated by the empty forum!